Agents and Juniors: 2-13

Jioni expected Brandon to promise, but he stayed silent. She hissed out a breath and continued looking through the different windows, now having a new reason for not wanting him there. She diverted the topic back to the task by grabbing both of their hands—Jioni found the entrance—she pulled out the flashlight and began hitting the glass with the butt of it.

Jioni knew it’d be more efficient to use the wrench nunchucks to break the glass. But she figured she had already embarrassed herself enough for one day: especially with the ugly flannel, risking her life in a dangerous building, and admitting to having no credits. She continued to chip away at the broken piece of glass.

She hit it multiple times with no success, only doing minimal damage to crack open the glass; the glass warped slightly around the 10th time she hit; it created a hairline crack, but nothing big enough to chip it. Every blow showcased the glaring weakness of Jioni’s lack of strength. She can sense her friends’ eyes on her, critiquing her every move.

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