Agents and Juniors: 2-4

The one with the caution tape around it,” Jioni said as if it were one word. “And you aren’t allowed to come, so don’t follow me! Love you guys, bye!”

Before Brandon or Kathy could get a word, Jioni waved once and ran away. She was already able to hear their footsteps behind her and the dreadful worry sunk in. Jioni focused on her breathing–in the background, she heard theirs—their footsteps got closer as well. 

Jioni climbed a slide that blocked her path; she climbed it up fast as it creaked in old age. She grabbed onto the next obstacle,  the monkey bars, and skipped the bars two at a time as she extended forward; then jumped down, not letting her feet touch the ground for longer than a second. Jioni glanced back. Kathy mimicked her every move flawlessly; However, Brandon jogged around the playground.

“Jioni, slow down!” Kathy exclaimed. “If you’re gonna do something dumb, can we at least discuss it first?”

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