Dissonant Reverence: 9-8

“No, it’s ok, really. If you want, we can train together later this week.”

Jioni smiled unauthentically and then shook her head. Though she felt comforted, the way he always asked to hang out was never in a way that they weren’t training. It was rare, especially these days. To just hang out without a chore being tacked on to the plan. Jioni’s eyes widened, then she remembered, and a frown appeared. If she left City Two, there would be no later this week.

“Do you want to be an Agent?” Jioni asked with a hint of frantic chaos in her tone.

A flash of frustration, “Yes.” then calm. “Why would you ask that?”

“Because I don’t want to be an Agent. And I don’t know what to do.”

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