Premade Choices: 10-19

Skylar looked away and rubbed the back of her head. “It took you all but one minute to find out. Meanwhile, the Coterie seemed to never tell.”     

“You insipid weirdo. You did not have to lie about your sex to be part of the Coterie,” Bree said. She held her head. “Ugh, go find my GeoDevice! You insipid weirdo, you.”

Skylar jolted and lifted up papers. She searched behind them. 

“I am aware this is deceitful or sorts, but it made things easier. Simpler, in fact. Especially when changing my name to Skylar. And since you know this, I can admit my real name’s Mengzan—-but please just call me Skylar.”

Bree, half listening, crouched underneath a desk to search for her device. “That’s not an English name, so you’re a–”

“A Zhecran, yes. Well, actually, Zhecran and human, but you could not tell, no?”

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