Tracey went behind her desk and opened a drawer that creaked. She pulled out a gun and then slammed the drawer shut. She analyzed it briefly before tossing it to LaMesha.
She caught it and looked up at Tracey for context.
“That gun is registered to Derrin,” Tracey said. “Before Jioni went scheming, I found this on her—I guess if she’s going to escape anywhere, it’d most likely be at the north tower wall. If Derrin is dumb enough to give a teen a gun, I’m sure he’s dumb enough to let her walk straight out of the city.”
LaMesha rolled her eyes at the thought of Derrin’s incompetence. She nodded with a quick “ok” and put the gun away. This whole thing felt strange as she tried to put the sequences of events together: Derrin gave Jioni a gun, and Ms. Tracey found her with it; she planned to leave City Two, and then somehow Jolene caught on and reported it. Jioni never seemed to practice—so that explains most of it. LaMesha shook her head.
“Once you find Jioni, give this back to Derrin. I know you two are close.”
“Sure,” LaMesha said doing her best to disguise her anger. Her and Derrin close? As if. It seems like Tracey is late to the news.