Premade Choices: 10-13

“Well, it is nice to see you again, too,” The older gentleman said. “I bring news that will help you—your first year as Prexy has been rather…interesting. Not much progress has been made. So Skylar, I mean, we have decided that it is best someone helps you with crucial decisions.”

Bree’s face turned red as she stomped closer to the pair. Her sandals clacked loudly against the marble floor.  She looked at the unkempt man and frowned—so that’s Skylar; she had always heard about him but had never seen him before. 

Him advising her? A sick joke this had to be.

Bree couldn’t find the words to express her anger. She pointed a finger as she let her thoughts spill out.

“Help? I do not need help—for the record, did my father need help? Or, or McDonough need help?” Bree scowled. “Why am I the only one who needs babysitting from the Coterie?”

Skylar’s hands remained behind him, and he looked away. He stepped back as Bree approached. On the other hand, The older  Corteire man kept his glare inching forward, holding his arms to his side.

“It is because they were competent. You are not,” The older man said. “Skylar here is a member of the Coterie, a representative from the Mauve Caves before they seceded—An honorable and successful young man who earned this position—He will help you before you make another reckless, dumb, incompetent decision.”

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