Kick-Butt Hunters: 12-14

“A bit convoluted, don’t you think?” A concerned DaMarko put his arms down and stopped walking altogether. “I know you don’t like her, but that’s messed up, dude.”

LaMesha did think it was messed up, but no torture method available would get her to admit that. She pushed her way through; ignoring DaMarko’s lack of hustle, she kept marching, knowing he would eventually break and agree with her. 

“I think it’s messed up that she signed us up for some bounty mission without our consent. She somehow forged our signatures, how does she know my signature? She’s insane and you’re just cool with that?” LaMesha growled. “I didn’t think so. And Derrin, is he stupid?”

“Probably, but I’m sure he had a good reason,” DaMarko said.

“To give Jioni a gun? There’s never a good reason. I wouldn’t trust her to be safe with a butter knife, let alone a gun.”

“I’m sure some would say the same about you.”

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