Dissonant Reverence: 9-19

“We have a legacy to withhold. One set by our grandparents and parents. And you’re going to disgrace us all, defending her? Did she even pass the Junior Agent Trials?” Jolene asked. Her words were fast and meshing together. “Why did you even let her in?”

“I know, I know,” Brandon said. “Please. It’s 1 am,”

 “Our legacy starts here with this,” Jolene held the paper tight. “It’s my plan for saving face for City Two. Wanna hear it?”

Brandon shook his head no.

“So here’s the plan—once Bree Prexy hears that someone is trying to escape again, she’ll freak out—once she does that, she’ll authorize me as a temporary bounty hunter to detain the escapee—she’ll want a team of only Agents—that team obviously will be me, DaMarko, and LaMesha—once we capture her and bring her back, Tracey, City Two, Bree Prexy, and all of Geogen will deem me a competent Agent! Me and the team will be known as the most speedy, diligent, kick-butt bounty hunters ever! We will be respected—DaMarko will marry me, and LaMesha will play her violin at our wedding—I’ll have three kids, and they’ll all become great Agents, no, better Agents—the best Agents!”

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