
You can call me Madi! I’m just someone who loves to share artwork and stories. Hopefully to entertain potentially anyone who is bored. The fun part about art is that it can be inspiring, I just hope I can inspire you like how many artists I know inspire me!

Premade Choices: 10-7 Jioni became nauseous and took two steps back, then another; the knocking became louder. Jioni’s mind raced. What were they here for? Payment or treason—the knocking increased. Jioni began to overthink. Maybe they weren’t here for the payment; perhaps they were here about her escape plan tonight: with that last thought, Jioni placed both …

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Premade Choices: 10-6 She suddenly jolted as she heard a knock at the door.  Her head turned to the sound, and then she crept toward it. The sun beamed on her face through the crack in the door.  Geogen Agents stood outside.  “Already? But it’s so early.” She whispered. back next

Premade Choices: 10-2  Jioni picked up her satchel. “I don’t want to forget this again,” she mumbled under her breath. Jioni then placed her hand inside: the first item she felt was cold-to-touch metal—the wrench nunchucks; the second thing, the two carrots she had placed inside last night—her stomach ached—but guilt overpowered the pain. Jioni wanted it, …

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